Plushcourt Firecracker of Springflite 'Herbie'
Plushcourt Buril x Flecha Da Terra De Montoito De Plushcourt (Imp Portugal)
Best of Breed
winner . 2 Best Puppy in Breed wins
"Butler and Dodd’s Plushcourt Firecracker
of Springflite, very nice head, ears and eye,
in good body form, super coat and moved soundly. Reserve
Best Dog and Best Puppy"
Paul Wilkinson
"Butler & Dodds’
Plushcourt Firecracker of Springflite, 10 months, fawn dog,
sturdy, moved very soundly, keeping his shape, harsh wire
coat, medium length,
tailset correct, certainly caught my eye. Best of Breed & Best Puppy"
Geraldine Dodd
'Herbie' pictured at six months
'Herbie' pictured at 10 weeks
'Herbie' pictured at 8 weeks
'Herbie' pictured at Betty's at 7 weeks