
Baldrey Diamond Merchant of Springflite ‘Harley’
Ch. Baldrey not so Smart with Buebezi x Ardencote Scarlet O’Hara at Baldrey

"Butler and Dodd’s Baldrey Diamond Merchant of Springflite,
litter brother to Junior winner. Fawn boy of excellent type, wonderfully mature body, in superb jacket,
excels in bone and hind angulation, masculine head with eye to match coat,
liked him a lot, will watch his progress with interest as he matures."

Clare Boggia

"Butler and Dodd’s Baldrey Diamond Merchant of Springflite,
really upstanding puppy in super condition,
long head, good eye shape with colour complimenting his coat,
long well arched neck, good forechest, deep capacious body, beautifully angulated hindquarters,
well defined first and second thighs, moved so well and cleanly."

Sharon Clark